London Calling: Reflections and Tony Clark Interview

I spent some time this morning reviewing my research recordings from my interview with Dr. Jean Chalaby and wanted to share some things I learned. Dr. Chalaby is an expert on the medium of Television and how it has transformed over the years. Like all industries, the medium of television has been completed revolutionized by…

London Calling: City University of London: Professional Culture

Very excited to begin my academic research! My area of interest is in the connection and interdependence of US & UK entertainment media. Specifically, how UK-created music and film media impact US audiences. For years, the US has culturally influenced global audiences by dominating the mediums of music and film. Prominent UK scholar and author,…

London Calling: First Impressions

Hello! It’s such an exciting time! I just completed 2 weeks of leading the 6th annual MEBUS London Study Abroad trip. It was the most exhilarating trip to date—such amazing experiences for everyone. Here’s a picture of our group (23 students) in front of the iconic Abbey Road Studios. Legendary. The students are now back…

The end.

One of the reasons why I came to Romania is because I knew that an opportunity like this does not come often and honestly, why not go to a country I would never otherwise visit. Quickly into this trip, I realized how wrong I was in my preconceived ideas about this country and how eager…

The Bucharest Season Finale

Bucharest 2019 A trip of a lifetime. That’s how I would describe Bucharest 2019. There was a huge part of me that was unsure of what to expect when we started this trip, but I can easily say it was not what I saw and learned. This is very much a city of contradictions that…

A Trip to Romania: Lessons & Reflections

May 22nd 2019 And so there we have it! We have come to the end of this trip! Although this sort of feels like a closing of a great adventure with a bunch of great people that consisted of both students and professors, this is actually the beginning of a great inspiration that can only…

Mulțumesc Romania-The End

Buna! It’s been a long time since I posted, but since then, I had the opportunity to meet Deputy Mayor Dan Cristan Popescu, founder of Good Bureau Ryan Crozier, and Ioana Melenciuc, Foreign Affairs department head in the European Union. Unfortunately, my trip to Romania has come to an end (Yes, I’m sad). Before I…

Full Circle

It is our last lecture day here in this beautiful land. As I sat on my bed this afternoon basking in the warm sunlight, breeze brushing through the open window, with the symphony of the city humming in the background, I continued the days of previous reflection on my time here. What did I learn…